
Writeups for CTFs solved by ahmedheltaher

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Lesson 10: Directory Traversal

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In this lesson, we will learn about Directory Traversal, how to exploit it, How dangerous it is.



Come back home Mr. Bean.


In this challenge, we have a website, and we need to find a way to get the flag.

Now, we need to do some research about Directory Traversal, and we will find that Directory Traversal is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to read files outside the web root directory.

Now, we can try to read the flag.txt file, by using ../ to go back to the parent directory.

all we got is 404 Not Found.

so we need to find new ways to read the flag.txt file.

If do some research about Directory Traversal, we will find some tools that can help us to find all the paths in the website. by bruteforcing.

one of these tools is dirsearch. you can find it here. follow the instructions in the README.md file to install it.

After running dirsearch, we will find that there is a directory called files.

if we hit the files directory, we will find lots of files, but no flag.txt file.

we could try fils../ to go back to the parent directory, but we will a punch of different directories.

one of these directories is home, and if we hit the home directory, we will find a flag.txt file.

if we open the flag.txt file, we will find the flag.


