
Writeups for CTFs solved by ahmedheltaher

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Lesson 21: Netcat

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Netcat is a tool that can be used to read and write data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol. It can be used to send and receive data from a port, or to connect to a port and send data to it. It can also be used to create a TCP or UDP server.


Cypher Anxiety

An image was leaked from a babies store. the manager is so annoyed because he needs to identify the image to fire charges against the responsible employee. the key is the md5 of the image


In this challenge we are given an pcap file, and we need to find the image that was leaked.

We can use wireshark to open the pcap file, and then we can go Statistics -> Conversation -> TCP to see the TCP conversations.

We can see that there is a conversation between the employee who leaked the image and the other one, the conversation says:

-Hey bro
+Sup supp, are we ready
-yeah, u got the files?
+yes but i think the channel is not secured
-the UTM will block the file transfer as the DLP module is active
+ok we can use cryptcat
-ok what the password then
+let it be P@ssawordaya
-hhh, ok
+listen on 7070 and ill send you the file , bye

We can see that the employee used cryptcat to send the image, and the password is P@ssawordaya.

We can use nc to connect to the port 7070 and send the password P@ssawordaya to get the image.

First we need to filter the packets by tcp.port == 7070 to see the packets that are sent to the port 7070.

Then Follow -> TCP Stream to see the TCP stream.

Convert to original data and save it to a file, in me case I saved it to encrypted_image.

Lets run cryptcat reverse mode to decrypt the image:

cryptcat -k P@ssawordaya -l -p 7070 > decryptData

Then we can run nc to connect to the port 7070 and send the password P@ssawordaya to get the image.

nc localhost 7070 < encrypted_image

Now we can open the decryptData file and we can see the image. this is the image:


How cute!

The flag is the md5 of the image. we can use md5sum to get the md5 of the image.

cat decryptData | md5sum

And We get the flag


