
Writeups for CTFs solved by ahmedheltaher

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Lesson 7: Encoding

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In this lesson, we will learn about Encoding, some of the most common Encoding types, and how to use them. also, we will learn why Encoding is important in Web Security.


Encoding is the process of converting data from one format to another. Encoding is used to protect data from being corrupted during transmission. Encoding is also used to protect data from being read by unauthorized users


It is the reverse of the encoding process


who am i?

Do not Start a fight you can not stop it


In this challenge, we Need to spin up the given website, we will be presented with a login page, so we will try to login with some random credentials, and we will get nothing.

if we take a look at the source code of the page, we will find the following comment:

    Guest Account:

so we will try to login with the given credentials, and we redirected to the following page:

Welcome, Guest !

Access Denied. You have no admin priviliges, Please login with an administrator account

If we take a look at the cookies, we will find a cookie called Authentication that has a value of bG9naW49R3Vlc3Q%3D.

if we decode the value of the cookie using base64, we will get login=Guest7.

so we can try to change the value of the cookie to login=admin, encode it using base64, and see what happens.

if we change the value of the cookie to login=admin, encode it using base64, and refresh the page, we will get the following message:

Welcome, Administrator !

Congratulation. Your Flag iS :




if you want to learn more about Encoding, you can check the following resources: