
Writeups for CTFs solved by ahmedheltaher

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Challenge 6: Tab, Tab, Attack


Using tabcomplete in the Terminal will add years to your life, esp. when dealing with long rambling directory structures and filenames: Addadshashanammu.zip


picoCTF 2021 General Skills




We get a zip file called Addadshashanammu.zip. If we unzip the file, using the command unzip Addadshashanammu.zip, we will get a directory called Addadshashanammu. If we cd into the directory, we will find another long named directory, we can write cd and then press tab to autocomplete the directory name. and we will keep doing this until we get to the flag file. the flag file is called fang-of-haynekhtnamet. if we cat the file, we will get some random gibberish. so we can use the command strings fang-of-haynekhtnamet to get the flag. with the command grep we can search for the flag. the flag is in the 3rd line.

strings fang-of-haynekhtnamet | grep picoCTF

